This was the week.
This was the week were I can look back and go I either failed or I refocused.
I chose refocused.
The week started fine.
I was doing so good, I was up and at the gym on Monday and then on Tuesday
I was up and walking.
But Tuesday is where it hit me.
I worked a 13hr day.
I climbed into my bed at 1 am.
I had to be back awake at 6am the next day.
Wednesday I woke up with a migraine.
Wednesday I went to sleep with a migraine as well, I hardly sleep. I guess I tossed and turned and thought about how much easier it would be to sleep on a knife then this migraine.
Thursday I woke up and I was actually feeling a tad better I thought thank the lord I have made it through this migraine.
Thursday 10:30 a tonne of migraine bricks hit me and I was down. I was down hard.
I was home by 12 and I was asleep straight away, I stirred around 5 and had hoped that my sleep had soften the migraine it had not.
I went back to sleep Thursday night vowing to myself that if I felt like this on Friday I was going to the E.R or who else knows what might happen to me.
Friday came and my head hurt less, I could look at a screen I could think to myself I could even listen to my podcasts without my head splitting open. I thanked the migraine gods and tried to have a normal day. I took it easy though, I rested and chilled out I did not push myself to do anything.
I looked at my to do list and moved all the must do to next week. I knew that it was not getting done this week so I left it be, no point pushing myself and then being out of action next week as well.
I advenutred on Saturday and there will be a blog post to come.
I worked on Sunday.
That was the week that was.
I learnt a valuable lesson this week, you can not do it all, all the time. You need to schedule in rest and relaxation. You need to take time and when your body is speaking to you, YOU NEED TO LISTEN.